In September of 2013, a show of my encaustic paintings opened at Augen Gallery. Each of the paintings was a view onto landscape: mountain ridges or shoreline. Some were based on personal experience of that landscape, honed out of furtive memory. Others were based on an idea of a landscape. One came about through a disinterested exploration of forms; only toward the end of the process did a vivid sense of a particular landscape memory take hold in my mind. In a later posting I will explore these processes.
They are made with encaustic medium, paper and ink collage, gold leaf.
Aquellas Alturas 33”
x 66”
Cape Falcon 21”
x 28”
Incoming Tide 24”
x 36”
No More Struggle 50”
x 50”
Ocean Side I 10-5/8”
x 13”
Ocean Side II 11”
x 14”
Pillar Rock 21”
x 28”
Rain Beach 8”
x 43”
Rising and
Falling 24”
x 36”
Show Statement
know the silence of things,
and the radiance of things.
the light of space;
and the ringing quiet of space.
mind meets the world;
mind and hand and
materials make
color and form.
lake as it is.
rock as it is.
if you interpret
explain, you miss.
just look; be
in your body mind
eye and just be.